Alchemy Breathwork Journey - Fri 28 March 6pm

Tantallon Teachers: 
Workshop Date: 
Friday, March 28, 2025 - 6:00pm

Open your heart to experiencing your breath. Connect to a more authentic and joyful self, feel alive, try breathwork!

The breath is our power tool, always under our nose but we hardly pay any attention to it, in this workshop we embark on a journey with our breath to create awareness, clarity and presence. We call it alchemy breathwork since you will go through a rather magical process of self-love, connection and exploration where you may gain insights, release blocks or simply be more present with what is and with yourself.

We will get together and create a safe container, activate our body with gentle movements and get into our felt sense, and then we will practice the Conscious Connected Breath (CCB) for about 45 minutes with music to inspire you on this journey. Therapeutic touch may be offered to support you if desired, the music and the facilitator's guidance will help you along the way while we stimulate our body and nervous system with the power of the breath. Then we open for spaciousness and contemplation and will land and integrate together, bringing you back very gently and holding you with love after this experience. There will also be an opportunity to share at the end.

The CCB is a choice, you are recognizing your breath and empowering yourself with it. You are in the driver seat, you reclaim your responsibility and power of choice! Join us in this wonderful wandering back to yourself and see what gifts you find along the way.

Sign up via our schedule, navigate to the workshop date and click "sign up" and follow the steps or email us(link sends e-mail) for more info or to pay via e-transfer. Cost: $40+tax=$46. Bring a friend and only pay $35+tax each :-D\ please emails us for this option.


**Breathwork can produce therapeutic inner transformation, however there are a few contraindications to be aware of: cardiovascular problems including high blood pressure, detached retina or glaucoma, epilepsy, bipolar and schizophrenia. In these cases please consult your doctor and let us know about your condition. You can still join us and experience the energy but we advise you to breathe normally through your nose rather than follow the pattern through your mouth. If you are pregnant please also only breathe through your nose.

Tantallon Team

The Flinns - Owner