Join Robyn and Emma for a journey through your body combining yin yoga and sound therapy exploring the 7 main energy centres (Chakras). Our focus is to open these energy centres, encouraging the flow of prana (life force).
Emma has created a Chakra Yin yoga sequence that will help stimulate, balance and realign your chakras. In Yin yoga poses are held for longer periods to allow your body to let go and go deeper. We will seek space between breaths, and settle into the (dis) comfort of stillness together.
Robyn will offer a 30 minutes sound bath with crystal bowls, each crystal bowl is aligned with a chakra, enhancing the flow state. Sound vibration raise the frequency of your body which brings health and spiritual enhancement.
Combining these two modalities will help you connect with your body and feel the life force within. No experience needed, everyone welcome!
- Main chakras we will work with:
- Root: Get rooted, grounded and create foundation
- Sacral: Pleasure, experience creativity and expressions of emotions
- Solar plexus: Action and transformation, self-esteem and purpose
- Heart: Healing, love energy, compassion, empathy and forgiveness
- Throat: Find your voice and speak your truth
- Third eye: Tap into your innate wisdom, tune into trust and intuition
- Crown: Spiritual connection to the universe and your higher power
Robyn is a sound enthusiast and facilitator and she has been working with crystal bowls since 2022.
Emma Feunekes has 12 years’ experience on the mat and she brings a wide range of options to yogis.
Come join Robyn and Emma for this experience!
Cost: $45+tax=$51.75. 10% off to Unlimited Members. E-transfer to tantallon@breathingspaceyogastudio.ca or sign up via the schedule on the website