Yoga in Schools Teacher Training

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200hr Yoga in Schools/ Studio Teacher Training, Halifax NS

“Joy and gratitude are palpable throughout the journey. This course is changing many lives, having lasting effects within the education system.”
Sue Stevenson Principal - Parrsboro High

 "This program was one of the top 2 things I have done in my life!!"
April Wallace

When: New program starts Sept. 27th 2025! This is our most popular program so register early.
Where: Chocolate Lake Hotel, Halifax- Offered online and in-person
Price: $2995.00 + hst

Yoga 11, Yoga for Autism and Yoga for Special Needs manuals included. Teach in schools or studios.
Complete program dates: 



  Sept. 27th and 28th First Weekend

  Jan.3rd and 4th

  Oct. 18th and 19th

  Feb. 7th and 8th

  Nov. 15th and 16th

  Mar. 7th and 8th

  Dec. 6th and 7th

  April.11th and 12th


  May 2nd and 3rd


Find out how yoga is transforming our youth by watching this uplifting message from several of the hundreds of teachers delivering Yoga in Schools programs to their students. These teachers are empowering our young people in profound ways and we are most grateful to be working with them!

200hr Yoga in Schools Teacher Training Program, NB

"This program has CHANGED my life personally and professionally!! I have learned the importance of taking time for myself".
Daneen Dymond, Yoga in Schools Graduate, NB

When: Offered online and in-person- April 26th, 2025

April 26th and 27th
May 24th  and 25th
June 21st and 22nd
August 16th to the 19th

Where: Moncton, New Brunswick
Price: $2995.00 + HST (manual included)


Summer Intensive 200hr Yoga in Schools/Studio Teacher Training, Halifax NS

“Joy and gratitude is palpable throughout the journey. This course is changing many lives, having lasting effects within the education system.” —Sue Stevenson

When: New program starts July 5th to the 12th, 2025. Training Manual, Yoga for Autism, Yoga for Special Needs and Yoga 11 are included.
Where: Chocolate Lake Hotel, Halifax-Offered online and in-person
Price: $2995.00 + hst


School Teacher Training Program Outline:

  • 200-hour intensive program
  • graduates (with a teaching license) will be eligible to teach yoga in the school system--applicable to Phys. Ed and non-Phys. Ed teachers.
  • graduates will receive a complete set of lesson plans for Yoga 11
  • graduates will receive copies of Jenny’s Yoga for Special Needs and the Yoga for Autism Manuals.
  • one year mentorship during implementation phase
  • mentorship provided to support you throughout the program
  • weekend classes allow you to study without disrupting your weekday schedule (may vary depending on cohort arrangements)
  • graduates are eligible for a 200-hour Yoga Alliance Registry (vinyasa-based yoga)

Program Curriculum Outline:
Anatomy and Physiology (20 hrs), an exploration of: 

  • Bodily systems, organs and tissues
  • Discoveries of energy science
  • Movement patterns and the yogic advantage
  • Application of principles to special conditions

Teaching Methods and Techniques (80 hrs):              

  • Asana/posture analysis
  • Guided Meditation and Visualization
  • Deep Relaxation
  • The Natural Breath

Yogic Philosophy (30 hrs):    

  • The history of Yoga
  • The sacred yogic texts
  • The living of yoga  

The business of yoga (10 hrs):  

  • Ethics, privacy and the role of the yoga teacher
  • Yoga Business Development
  • Franchise opportunities

Teaching practicum (25 hrs):

  • Peer teaching
  • In class teaching
  • Independent teaching 

Self-directed study and reflection (20 hrs):

  • Focus on a field of study of your choosing

Mentorship (15 hrs)

Parent Testimonials:

“Everyday, my daughter comes home and can’t say enough about yoga—she loves it! I think right now this seems to be the only thing keeping her going and yoga helps her to distress in some of her other subjects. Thank you.”

“My son, who has scoliosis and finds it difficult to sit for long periods, is noticing significant improvement in his posture since starting the Yoga 11 program. I have hopes that he can attend the same course again next semester because the benefits he has experienced.”

“Yoga provided an opportunity for our daughter to find peace and feel good about herself. It also provided physical exercise and a release of tension. She was surprised by how quickly her flexibility improved and how much she truly enjoyed the class. We will find a way for her to continue practicing yoga. We are particularly grateful for your compassionate nature and the concern you have shown for our daughter’s wellbeing.”

Student Testimonials:

“As an Olympic athlete, I’m always looking to improve my training and recovery and have found practicing yoga with Jenny to be a great benefit to my training over the past several years. Jenny is an inspiring yoga teacher and I’m proud to have her as part of my team."
Mark De Jonge- Olympic Medalist

Yoga is a way to bring inner peace to your soul and everybody else around you. Doing yoga will make you feel great about yourself.”

“Yoga is more than just exercise. It is a lifestyle. It is breath, flexibility, and strength. When you stretch, you can tell your body loves you for it. Yoga is also fun, of course.”

“Yoga is the place where I can go to let everything just roll off my shoulders and not worry about anything. It is the feeling of contentment with myself, a place where judging and stereotypes are nowhere to be found. Yoga is the place where I and I alone, can truly concentrate on myself, because finding my own inner strength is what really matters.”

“I remember the first day I did yoga; there was something about it that caught my interest. I was never someone who enjoyed or excelled in sports and I am very fortunate that I have found something that has equal, if not more physical benefits as regular sports. It has helped to improve my physical and mental strength and has showed me how to live a healthier lifestyle. Above all, yoga is something I enjoy because I have learned how to love life.”

“Yoga has been one of the best things I have ever done. I hope I stay with it for years to come. All the things we have learned this year have really helped me.”

This clip shows the power of the program with students and teachers. View

Our Lead Facilitators

Jenny Kierstead, BPE, BEd, Founder Breathing Space Yoga Studio

E-RYT Yoga Teacher
Yoga Therapist
Ayurvedic Instructor
Qi Gong Instructor and Healer

Jenny is the founder of national award winning Breathing Space Yoga Studios and Yoga in Schools. A visionary in the yoga movement, Jenny received the prestigious Women of Excellence Award in 2009 and the RBC Women of Influence Award in 2013 for her Yoga in Schools initiative. A former Physical Education teacher, Jenny designed a Yoga Grade 11 course for the Nova Scotia Department of Education, the first ever yoga program implemented in Canadian public schools.

Through Thompson Publications Inc, Jenny designed yoga posters for both Elementary and Secondary levels as well as a Yoga for Autism Program, a Yoga for Special Needs Program and most recently the revolutionary Girl on Fire Empowerment Program for teen girls.

To support this successful school-based initiative, Jenny and Blair and their team run a highly reputed Yoga Teacher Training Program. Their latest evidence-based project, Mindfulness in the Classroom is changing the way teens relate to themselves and others.

As a dedicated student of spiritual wisdom and healing modalities, Jenny's teachings are rooted in over 10,000 hours of study with leading authorities, such as the legendary Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, Deepak Chopra and Michael Lee. Most recently Jenny acquired full certifications in Qi Gong and medical Qi Gong.

Always an innovator, Jenny is the Official Yoga Trainer for Olympic athletes in Atlantic Canada.

Beyond inspiring others to embrace the path of love and awareness, Jenny enjoys the adventure of life with her husband Blair and their two spirited daughters, Sophia and Isabella.

Blair Abbass M.A., M.Ed., R.P.C, Co-founder Breathing Space Yoga Studio
Blair is a gifted therapist and educator who has been in practice for the past 30 years. He has studied with renowned teachers like Shakti Gawain, William Glasser, Stephen Levine, and Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn. Creator of the highly acclaimed CD 'Zen Living and Stress Reduction Program', Blair contributes to the Breathing Space Teacher Training Program, sharing his wisdom born from rich life experiences with a Cape Breton sense of humor. Blair lives with his beloved wife Jenny, and daughters Sophia and Isabella.

Program Faculty:
In our commitment to Awakening the Extraordinary, our faculty has been selectively chosen, based on their specific expertise in their field including: Click names to view.