Workshops & Retreats with Jenny Kierstead

Mindfulness in The Classroom
100hr Certification Online and In-Person

A Mindfulness training experience that will transform the way you face challenges, alter your relationship with worry, anxiety and depression and remind you of the vibrancy of life.

This NEW evidence-based program is a four-tiered approach to self-regulation for classroom and home life, based on:

  • Mindfulness
  • Movement
  • Cognitive Therapy
  • Story Telling  



The work and effort that went into creating this incredible manual and program is clearly a lifetime labour of love. The manual is well laid out and contains beautiful teachings and instructional tools. It provided the perfect framework for me to develop my mindfulness classes, which have already had a profound impact on my students and on me personally as a teacher.  Heather Gunn McQuillan

This 2 weekend training program in self-regulation/mindfulness practices includes a 250-page manual of cross -curricular lesson plans for the classroom.

Who can attend: applicable for both educators and aspiring mindfulness instructors
Date: TBA-To complete the online program go to
Time-9am till 3pm
Investment: Regular price $850.00 / Early Bird price $695.00 +HST 


Schedule and Fees

Halifax Nova Scotia Yoga Teacher Training

This program is one of the top two things that I have done in my life" April Wallace -YTT Graduate

When: New program starts September 27th, 2025! This is our most popular program so register early.

Where: Chocolate Lake Hotel, Halifax

Price: $2995.00 + HST (manual included)

Complete program dates: 



September 27th and 28th First Weekend

Jan. 3rd and 4th

Oct. 18th and 29th

Feb. 7th and  8th

Nov. 15th and 16th

March 7th and 8th

Dec. 6th and 7th

April 11th and 12th


May 2nd and 3rd



Yoga in Schools/Studio Teacher Training Program Online and In-person, NB.

"This program has CHANGED my life personally and professionally!!
I have learned the importance of taking time for myself".
Daneen Dymond, Yoga in Schools Graduate, NB

When: Begins April 26th and 27th, 2025
Where: Moncton, New Brunswick.
Price: $2995.00 + HST

 (This full YTT can now be done online, visit for full details)


Summer Intensive 200h

Yoga in Schools/Studio Teacher Training,

 Online and In-personHalifax NS

“Joy and gratitude are palpable throughout the journey. This course is changing many lives, having lasting effects within the education system.” —Sue Stevenson, Principal - Parsboro High.

When: New program starts July 5th to 12th 2025! Training and Manuals Yoga for Autism, Yoga for Special Needs and Yoga 11 are included.
Where: Chocolate Lake Hotel, Halifax
Price: $2995.00 + hst

 (This full YTT can now be done online email for details)



Empower both teen girls and women of all ages

The NEW Girl on Fire Empowerment Training Program was recently launched to 50 beautiful participants.   Watch this short video to hear about their experience and why YOU should join us for our next training session.

Training Dates: TBA
Location: Chocolate Lake Hotel, Halifax, NS and Online

New: You can now do the full training online, visit for details.

Regular Fee: $790.00 + HST
Early Bird offer: (save $140) $650 + HST (Teacher Manual included)
View more >>


Mindfulness in Schools 
Mindfulness and Trauma Training - Level 1 

A training that equips you with the tools to lead mindfulness practices in a way that fosters safety, connection and growth during these uncertain times.
Research has shown that yoga and mindfulness help students to make healthier lifestyle choices, become more skillful in relationships, and  control their impulses, while supporting their learning.

Are you ready to bring this transformational tool into your school and see the positive benefits that it brings to your students?

Last year’s conference attendees spanned from Nunavut to Labrador, and they reported 100% satisfaction from the experience. 

This essential training in trauma-sensitive mindfulness offers workshops for every level; from the curious beginner to the certified Yoga Instructor. 

The Level 1 Mindfulness and Trauma Training outline:

✓The risks of leading contemplative practices to traumatized students.

✓Trauma-sensitive strategies for Mindfulness practice.

✓Trauma-Sensitive language, conduct and behaviour

✓Trauma and the gut-brain connection, and tools for re-establishing balance.

✓Movement for soothing a traumatized nervous system.

✓Breathwork for trauma, phobias and panic disorders.

✓The link between trauma and shame.

✓The power of self-compassion.

A selection of some of our workshop topics:

✓Trauma and neurodiversity

✓EMDR techniques for self-regulation

✓ First Nations rituals for healing the pain of trauma

✓ Embodied Movement for returning to the stream of wellbeing

✓ Mindfulness practices that leverage the healing power of Nature

✓ Artistic expression for processing trauma and reprogramming pain

Come nurture your mental health, foster emotional intelligence and forge a healthy connection with your body.

This training is appropriate for anyone, especially, all teachers, therapist, Guidance Counsellors as well as support staff.

Who can attend:  This program is suitable for anyone wanting to develop or expand a mindfulness practice, especially all teachers, administrators, support staff and guidance. 

Date(s) & Time: Interested in bringing this program to your center- contact-  or call 902-444-9642

Location: Anywhere 

Fee: $ 600.00 + HST per participant (check local PD for funding)-



Path of Wisdom

This unique 500hr training program combines detailed teachings in yoga and meditation, yoga chikitsa (yoga therapy) and the ancient medical model of Ayurveda. Through this program, you will receive advanced Vedic teachings, elevate your personal practice and develop your leadership skills.

The Path of Wisdom Program is offered as a series of workshops and retreats, some of which are open to all and others that are appropriate for advanced teachers in training.

See Path of Wisdom