Aimee’s understanding of the true value of yoga coincided with the hardest time in her life. Her father, Robert, was the most loving person you could possibly imagine; he was centre of her family, and of her own heart. When he died, Aimee became anchorless. While she was surrounded with loving and understanding support, Aimee could not connect with others, for she was afraid to connect to herself. As she is certain many of you know, the first few months after a loss are a blur – you simply go through the motions without engaging in anything. One day, Aimee found herself at a yoga class at the local Y. She had been practicing yoga regularly for years and reaped many physical benefits, but this time was different. This time, in our final resting pose, she wept. Her heart was opened again, just for a moment, and she understood the next layer that yoga has to offer – a connection with the Self.
Aimee’s instructor, Rachel, emanated loving kindness, and through her, the true teachings of yoga emerged. Yoga is about having fun, connecting with others, finding beauty at every turn; and most importantly, Yoga is about love.
A year later, Aimee participated in Breathing Space Yoga Studio’s 200-hour RYT training. Teaching yoga has been intimidating and exciting. Aimee wants so much to be able to share what she has been given through yoga. She is thrilled to have an opportunity to learn from other teachers and students, and to build up our yoga community in Fredericton.
As a teacher, Aimee emphasizes an approach of lighthearted enjoyment and openness. She is a very energetic and bouncy person (Vata dosha through and through) and she teaches with the intention of making people feel good about themselves. Aimee hopes to be a vessel through which all students can learn to bring the peace and buzzing happiness of the practice with them into their daily lives.
Choosing a silly and fun fact to add to this bio was a hilarious and somewhat embarrassing endeavor for Aimee, but she would like you to know that she absolutely loves donating blood… despite the fact that she’s anemic. Don’t worry, Aimee take lots of iron supplements! She goes every 8 weeks without fail - the atmosphere is so positive, all good vibrations! And the free Oreos don’t hurt either…
Aimee thanks you for taking the time to read about her yoga journey. She is really looking forward to meeting you. In closing, Aimee wants to let you know that you are beautiful, and that you are of infinite worth.